As a company that handles precious metals such as gold, silver, and platinum, we believe that it is our duty to contribute to society by efficiently and safely reusing limited resources.
In addition to considering the impact of our business activities on the environment, we believe that it is essential to create a safe and healthy working environment that is easy to work in, and to build and maintain good relationships with stakeholders.
In order to continue to be a company that is trusted by stakeholders and needed by society, we are promoting CSR efforts based on our CSR policy, environmental policy, occupational safety and health policy, and conflict mineral management policy.
CSR policy
We provide valuable, high-quality products that contribute to sustainable development.
We will not only act correctly and comply with domestic and international laws and regulations, but will also work to solve social issues in cooperation with governments and local communities.
We will be considerate of the global environment and make every effort to protect the environment.
We will eliminate all discrimination, including gender, and create a safe and healthy working environment that is easy to work in so that diverse human resources can maximize their capabilities.
We will not provide monetary or other benefits for the purpose of obtaining unfair advantages. Similarly, we will not accept unfair benefits, etc. We do not have any relationship with antisocial forces or their affiliates.
We strive to maintain a fair working environment and will not directly or indirectly participate in any form of illegal labor (such as child labor or forced labor) or human rights violations.
Environmental Initiatives
Basic Policy
Takara Inc. aims to be a company that can contribute to society through its gold, silver, and platinum precious metals and purchasing business, and will set environmental goals for the following items, make continuous improvements, and strive to prevent environmental pollution.
Activity Policy
We will understand the environmental aspects of our business activities and strive to prevent environmental pollution, set environmental objectives and goals, and strive to continuously improve our environmental management system.
We will comply with environmental laws, regulations, ordinances, agreements, customer requirements, and requirements to which we agree, and will set voluntary standards as necessary and strive to conserve the environment.
We will consider the impact of our business activities, products, and services on the environment and promote environmental conservation activities with a focus on the following items.
(1) Promoting energy conservation (2) Promoting resource conservation (3) Promoting environmental awareness activities
We will maintain and improve the performance of our environmental management system and environmental conservation activities through internal environmental audits.
Initiatives for occupational safety and health
Our company promotes occupational safety and health initiatives based on the following policies.
Occupational safety and health policy
We will give top priority to the occupational safety and health of our employees and support the maintenance and improvement of their physical and mental health.
We will continuously improve our safety performance by identifying hazards and preventing occupational accidents and illnesses.
We will comply with laws and regulations related to occupational safety and health and other requirements.
We will inform employees about the occupational safety and health policy and their respective roles related to occupational safety and health, and aim to raise their awareness of occupational safety and health.
Our relationship with stakeholders
We consider our main stakeholders to be employees, business partners, customers, and the government and local community.
We will recognize issues through communication with each stakeholder and address them to gain and maintain their trust and contribute to the realization of a better society.
We will eliminate all discrimination, including gender, and provide a safe and healthy working environment in which diverse human resources can fully demonstrate their capabilities.
Business Partners
We will conduct fair and free transactions. In particular, when procuring precious metals, we will promote conflict mineral management to avoid complicity in conflicts and human rights violations related to the procurement of raw materials and prevent money laundering and terrorist financing.
We will provide valuable, high-quality products that contribute to sustainable development.
Government and local community
In addition to acting correctly and complying with domestic and international laws and regulations, we will work with governments and local communities to resolve social issues.
Initiatives for responsible precious metal procurement
In procuring precious metals, we promote responsible precious metal procurement to avoid complicity in conflicts and human rights violations related to procurement and prevent money laundering and terrorist financing. For details on our efforts regarding conflict minerals, please refer to our Policy on Responsible Precious Metal Sourcing.